Please read Disclaimer and Download Advice before downloading.

Please refer to these for an understanding of this spreadsheet

Glo​bal Warming Model  - Download Page

A spreadsheet is available for download - based on two short books available from Amazon:

​​Global Warming Handbook - by Jim Wiles

This spreadsheet is available as an aid to understanding. No responsibility is taken for any errors or omissions. No liability is taken for any use of its content or calculations. It has been Virus checked when loaded onto this website, but it is your responsibility to check for virus content before use.

Used in 'Simply Modelling Global Warming'

Simply Modelling Global Warming - by Jim Wiles

Download Advice:
The file should download as  a long hexadecimal number with .XLS extension

Apologies for the awkward name. Please save and rename. When first running the spreadsheet, if asked, you should enable Editing (and save again as a new name). The book 'Simply Modelling Global Warming', contains an overview of the spreadsheet.